Our Family


I’m just like you, a person with my own dreams and life experience. I learned at an early age that pursuing joy was irresponsible and negligent and would ultimately lead to a life of struggle. Given my early years, I was determined to create stability and security for myself. Afterall, I was no stranger to grit.

As a result, I never chose JOY.

Just typing this brings tears.

Tears of gratitude for change and choice.

While always a dedicated, hard worker I was constantly pouring myself into work that didn’t fully resonate. I wasn’t energized and felt depleted always. I found myself in the very struggle I worked so hard to avoid. Feeling so misaligned created an abundance of mental friction.

Then I experienced an unexpected career change that left me the time and space to choose.

And here you are… with me as I turn towards myself and my deepest desires. I choose JOY.

OnNa (oh-na)

OnNa is a rescue dog who escaped euthanasia in 2019 when taken in by a rescue organization. Though she escaped an early demise, she (like many of us) has been left with trauma and fear. We love her deeply; she has the sweetest soul. OnNa loves other dogs and is VERY skeptical about people. She barks loudly and can be intimidating for some. We ask that anyone visiting see her fear and trauma and treat her kindly. We will do the same with you. Our hopes are we can collectively help her heal.